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Excellence in Breeding

Learning Management System

Through the Excellence in Breeding Platform the CGIAR intends to modernize breeding programs targeting the developing world for greater impact on food and nutrition security, climate change adaptation and development. In line with this vision, the EiB LMS provides curated trainings and learning programs aimed at capacity development.

Self-paced Learning

Self-paced Learning is any kind of instruction that proceeds based on learner response. It does not require the immediate response of an instructor. You can register and start the trainings.

Instructor Led Trainings

Instructor-led training (ILT) is when an instructor facilitates a training session for a group of learners or an individual. While ILT can be conducted in person or online. You can subscribe to the training and follow up using the calendar in your dashboard.

Full Progress Report

You can truck your progress, time spent on the training and accomplishments easily on the system.

Certification of Completion

PDF certificates can be automatically issued in case of successfully finishing a training. You can download anytime from your profile.

Germplasm, Seed, & Trait Search

In this course, we will explore the three search tools available in the EBS.

Basics of Genomic Selection

Genomic selection/prediction is becoming an important tool to maximize genetic gain in breeding programs. The method covers…

Practical Continuous Improvement

This course is for all employees at all levels in the organization.